a new way of thinking

Letting Go - a New Way of Thinking

What are you holding onto? What's the one thing you need to let go of to truly succeed? That's that one thing? Some time ago, I did a series of weekend workshops for business executives. It covered all aspects of success and building wealth, but when it came to the crunch, a lot of them couldn't commit themselves. I, therefore, re-engineered the workshop and put a session is called Letting Go. I spoke in front of the attendees for about 20 minutes on how we have particular mindsets based on our previous experiences and how these previous experiences create emotional memories.

I believe that all the cells in our body have a memory and that people who have been traumatised have to let go of that memory, not just in their mind, but in every cell of their body. I posed the question to our attendees. What did they need to let go of? We spent over an hour mind mapping it, discussing it, and as individuals, going deep down in what we needed to let go of. The opportunity then was for each of them to write down the one thing they needed to let go of and if they were ready to come up in front of the rest of the group and officially announce, "I hereby let go of whatever." Then putting that piece of paper that they wrote it down on, into the fire, and seeing it turn to ashes. 

a new way of thinking

Every one of those attendees turned and faced their colleagues and announced proudly that they were letting go of all sorts of things. They were letting go of fear of failure. They were letting go of the hold their parents had over them. They were letting go of the anger from being abused. They were letting go of the expectations others had of them to succeed in another particular field they weren't even interested in. They were letting go of anger, hate, jealousy, fear, fear, fear. At the end, there was only love. The opposite of love is fear. The opposite of fear is love. 

We talk about the work that we do with the youth at risk in Toogoolawa and Toogoolawa is like working with young trees in the garden. If left alone, weeds will grow around them and eventually strangle the young trees whose roots aren't strong enough. We can pull the weeds out, but they'll grow back. The only thing that will stop the weeds growing back is if we plant flowers. That's the way we work with youth at risk. We take all the fear away from them and replace it with love and people who love and support them until they're strong enough to love themselves on their own. What are you holding onto? What's the one thing you need to let go of to truly succeed? Let go. Let go now. Commit to continually letting go every day. 

>>> Coming Next: Having Compassion

Please note: This is an extract from the Success From Scratch – it may not contain the exercises from the full version of the book/audio set, for full version please contact us or follow our blog for more.

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The team@Custodian